Gatlin Laurel Clingman is a man forced to write in third person, in order to sound like an unbiased source, but he's going to power through. He's a proud Italian who regrettably has none of that origin in his entirely Americanized name, but we're not judgin', right? Hell, "Gatlin" isn't a first name at all, though he does share it with a family dog of a child murderer, so that's something.
He's the loving father of a gorgous woman by the name of "Casadee." She's a big strong gal boasting five floors of gambling excitement, along with a nice hotel to rest your weary, gamed out soul. There's fun to be had for all, including the kids (in the hotel, of course~. We follow the laws in this House of Sin).
Along with happily donating thousands of his customers to Gambler's Anonymous each year, he generously hires employees from other businesses in the surrounding area, saving them from their sad existences in retail. Truly, he is a pious man. (Two stores may have went out of business due to him stealing too many employees, but that's business, baby! Don't hate the player, hate the game! ️♣️♦️♥♠)
Being the all-powerful Casino King, Gatlin sometimes performs his own acts when his stage is free. He's no professional, but who's going to say 'no' to a little surprise entertainment? ...Maybe the people who have heard him sing~.
He also co-owns the poker club, "Bluff Waffe," along with his pal, Marius, a pretty darn awesome lawyer, if this unbiased third-party source doesn't say so himself. You might want to check him out if you've been defamed by an ex-lover or a famous, charismatic casino mogul who might've taken a joke too far.